April 30 – Ties to the Land: Succession Planning for Landowners Workshop
eeping Family Forests and Farms in the Family
This is a tremendous opportunity for landowners to learn how to effectively plan your legacy with your family’s goals and values in mind.
Many landowners want to preserve their family lands but don’t know how to involve family members in ownership and operation of their land-based businesses.
On April 30, 2018 there will be facilitated workshop at the MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks conference room in Kalispell to explore succession planning.
“Ties to the Land: Your Family Forest Heritage: Planning for an Orderly Transition” focuses on ways to maintain family ties to the land from generation to generation, building awareness of key challenges facing family businesses and motivating families to address those challenges. This workshop is a mix of presentations and practical exercises to help families develop techniques needed to address tough issues. Topics covered will also be relevant to professionals working with landowner families.
Ties to the Land Workshop
April 30, 2018, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks Conference Room, Kalispell
Workshop Fee: $50 for first family member; $10 per additional family member. The fee includes refreshments and one copy per family of the workbook: Ties to the Land: Your Family Forest Heritage ($25 value; additional copies will be available at the workshop or online at the web site). Space is limited to 25 people per workshop.
Registration information: Space is limited to 25 people, so please register by April 20th. Click here to print and mail the Registration Form. Payment should be made to the Forest Stewardship Foundation; PO Box 1056; Libby, MT 59923. For more information contact Ed Levert at (406) 293 2847 or (email) televert@kvis.net.
For more information check the Ties to the Land Brochure.
This is a DVD-based workshop featuring presentations by Clint Bentz (CPA, Boldt, Carlisle & Smith, and Past Chairman, American Tree Farm System Operating Committee) and Mark Green (Director, Austin Family Business Program at Oregon State University) with live classroom activities conducted by Idaho facilitators Kirk and Madeline David.
My family attended this workshop because we have the same dilemma so many other families have: What happens to the place when we’re gone?– Ed Levert, Chairman of the Montana Forest Stewardship Foundation
Sponsored by: Forest Stewardship Foundation, Montana Association of Land Trusts, Flathead Land Trust, Montana Land Reliance, Flathead Lakers, and MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks.