Grants and Programs
River to Lake partners work to secure funding from government agencies, foundations, and private donors to implement conservation and restoration projects.
Following are some examples of programs and grants that can help landowners and River to Lake partners implement projects. For more information about any of these contact us.
Wednesday, June 1 funding deadline for streambank restoration. The Natural Resources Conservation Service is accepting Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) applications through June 1. EQIP funding provides assistance to landowners to restore stream banks and wildlife habitat. For information contact Angel Rosario at 406-752-4242, ext.3 .
Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program
Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP) is a U.S. Department of Agriculture program that helps farmers and ranchers keep their land in agriculture. FRPP provides funds to purchase conservation easements from landowners and to keep productive farm and ranch land in agricultural uses. The land must contain at least 50 percent prime, unique, statewide or locally important soils, have a conservation plan for highly erodible land, and contain sufficient acreage to sustain agriculture production. USDA provides up to 50 percent of the fair market easement value of the conservation easement. For more information go to
NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program
NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) is a Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) program that offers financial and technical help to farmers and ranchers to install stream and soil erosion control measures, planting along streams, rivers and wetlands, fencing and more. For more information visit
Wetlands Reserve Program
Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) is a NRCS program that provides technical and financial assistance to private landowners and Tribes to restore, protect, and enhance wetlands in exchange for retiring eligible land from agriculture. The program offers three enrollment options, including Permanent Easement, 30-Year Easement and Restoration Cost-Share Agreement. For more information go to
NRCS Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program
NRCS Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP) is a conservation cost-share program that provides funding for fish and wildlife habitat restoration. Special emphasis is placed on instream fisheries habitat, native prairies, woody draws, and wetlands throughout Montana. For more information go to
North American Wetlands Conservation Act
North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) is a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service grant that provides matching grants to organizations and individuals to carry out wetlands conservation projects for the benefit of wetland-associated migratory birds, other wildlife, and clean water. For more information visit