The River Steward Program helps landowners improve and restore habitat – wetlands, and riparian areas – along degraded streams and rivers in the Flathead Valley. These are key lands for maintaining clean water, fish and wildlife habitat, and healthy stream bank.
Learn how landowners are making a difference
PLANTING BUFFERS FOR CLEAN WATER. Check out this video, featuring landowners Richard Siderius working with our Flathead River Steward Program partners to protect and restore his riparian area.

“The assistance we’ve received for planting riparian buffers helps protect this beautiful place on the river for future generations to enjoy”, said landowner Aileen Brosten.
Why plant trees and shrubs along streams, rivers and lakes? Healthy riparian areas provide habitat for fish and wildlife and protect clean water. Click here to read how riparian buffers add value to your property and benefit us all and Why we are Planting Trees.
Local expert help for restoring riparian buffers
Several local expert agencies are standing ready to help private landowners restore riparian areas.
Flathead Conservation District
The Flathead Conservation District has a cost-share program to help landowners improve riparian areas. Contact the Resource Conservationist at 752-4220.
Flathead Lakers
Flathead Lakers help bring landowners and programs together to efficiently match programs and resources, write grants to fund restoration, and recruit volunteers to make a difference for clean water in our Flathead Watershed. The Lakers work with landowners both on the shores of Flathead Lake and in rivers and streams upstream of the lake. Contact Constanza von der Pahlen, Critical Lands Program Director, at 883-1341.
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks installed several experimental projects to test the effectiveness of various restoration techniques. To arrange a visit contact Franz Ingelfinger at 751-4580.
Ranching for Rivers Program
Ranching for Rivers is a cost-share program to help landowners along streams and rivers to build fences, stream crossings, and watering systems for livestock, improve grazing, and protect water quality. For more information or to apply, contact Jessica Makus, Program Manager, Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Montana, at 406-443-5711,, or visit their website at
Natural Resources Conservation Service
The NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) helps agricultural producers revegetate riparian areas on eligible lands. For more information contact Angel Rosario, NRCS District Conservationist, at 752-4242.
USDA Farm Service Agency
The Farm Service Agency Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) helps agricultural producers protect and restore riparian corridors by compensating farmers who do not farm these sensitive areas through rental payment and cost-share assistance. Contracts last 10 or 15 years. Contact John Nahrgang, County Executive Director, at 752-4220 or visit FSA online at
Being a Good Steward
Read what else you can do on your property to protect water quality and be a good steward of our land and water.