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Welcome to the Flathead River to Lake newsletter.
Issue 50 | Summer 2024
Owen Sowerwine Celebration

In July, over 100 community members gathered to celebrate the permanent protection of Owen Sowerwine, a 405-acre riparian haven at the confluence of the Stillwater and Flathead Rivers. After years of collaboration between the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Flathead Land Trust, Flathead Audubon Society, and the Flathead Lakers, the Owen Sowerwine property was permanently protected last February through a conservation easement held by the Flathead Land Trust.

This project would not have been possible without significant funding from multiple foundations, a North American Wetland Conservation Act grant, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, and the support of over 300 individuals from our communities.Read about the celebration event in the Flathead Land Trust's July E-News. For more information about the project and its conservation significance visit our website.

Flathead River to Lake Initiative Conservation Accomplishments Update

Over the past two decades, the Flathead River to Lake Initiative has made remarkable strides in preserving the beauty and health of both the Flathead River and Flathead Lake. This collaborative effort focuses on conserving critical lands along the Flathead River, its tributaries, and the northern shores of Flathead Lake—lands vital to water quality, wildlife habitat, and the overall health of the watershed.

Laura Katzman, Land Protection Specialist with the Flathead Land Trust, updated our analysis of protected areas by habitat type to better understand what has been conserved. To date, the Initiative has successfully protected over 9,000 acres of critical lands, expanding a network of 14,283 acres of protected areas along the Flathead River from Columbia Falls to the north shore of Flathead Lake. Currently, 56% of riparian forests and wetlands, 45% of the 100-year floodplain, 50% of the shallow aquifer, and 47% of important farm soils within the focus area are protected.

Through this ongoing conservation effort, the Flathead River to Lake Initiative exemplifies what can be achieved when a community unites with a shared vision for protecting our natural heritage.

On August 10th, more than 50 volunteers cleaned up trash along 50 miles of rivers and lakes throughout the Flathead Watershed, collecting over 3,000 pounds of trash. Thank you!

The Flathead Waters Cleanup event is conducted in coordination with the Flathead Conservation District, Flathead Rivers Alliance, Western Montana Conservation Commission, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, and Flathead Lakers.
Living with Fire
The Flathead landscape depends on fires to stay healthy and productive. However, fire suppression for the past 100 years, combined with recent mild winters and hotter, drier summers, has led to forests that are crowded, unhealthy, and susceptible to large and hot wildfires. Today, wildfire seasons are getting longer, fires are burning more area, and those fires are getting much harder to control. 

No matter where you live in Montana, the land that you call home burned and will burn again at some point. We must both learn to live with fire and take action to protect our families, homes, and communities.
Learn more about how you can be prepared for wildfire.

The "Living in the Flathead" Guide is a new online resource that invites newcomers, residents, and visitors to discover ways to coexist with the Flathead's stunning natural beauty. As the Flathead Valley undergoes significant growth, the Guide offers insights into the realities of life in the Flathead, encouraging practices that promote harmonious living with wildlife, protect water quality, and bolster local communities.


Birds of Prey Festival
Saturday, September 14, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Join Flathead Audubon for the annual Birds of Prey Festival on Saturday, September 14, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Lone Pine State Park. Enjoy bird walks, exhibits, presentations, talks, face painting, and more. Learn about the Jewel Basin Hawk Watch program, the Owl Research Institute's winter raptor survey in the Mission Valley, Glacier National Park's Golden Eagle nesting monitoring program, and other exciting topics. For more information, visit the Flathead Audubon Society website here.

Flathead Audubon Society Field Trips

Bad Rock Canyon WMA Field Trip

Join Flathead Audubon on Tuesday, Sept. 17, at 7:00 a.m. for a birdwatching field trip in the Bad Rock Canyon Wildlife Management Area. Participants must purchase a Conservation License from FWP. To register, contact Darcy at 406-407-8263 or
Owen Sowerwine Work Day
Join Flathead Audubon to help maintain the Owen Sowerwine conservation area on Saturday, September 28, from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Volunteers are needed to repair two bridges and control weeds. For more information and the meeting location, please email Pam at
Pollinator Party
Thursday, September 26, 7:00

Join the Flathead Conservation District on Thursday, September 26, at Lone Pine State Park to learn about pollinator gardens, the Flathead Pollinator Initiative, and how you can support pollinators this fall. Receive free wildflower seeds to help build pollinator gardens and provide habitat and food sources for native pollinators. For more information about the Pollinator Initiative, click here or call 406-752-4220.
Winterland Impact Film Festival
September 26-29, Whitefish

The Winterland Impact Festival, taking place from September 26-29, will highlight climate action through film, music, speakers, and immersive experiences. The Film Festival includes 44 films, 29 speakers, and 6 bands. Highlights include a lineup of Indigenous films, local music acts, and immersive experiences such as live podcasting, a Climate Meme Challenge, and Sound Bathing. All-access passes are available at, with events taking place across various Whitefish locations.
Science on Tap
Thursday, October 3, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

Join the Flathead Lakers and the Flathead Lake Biological Station for Science on Tap on Thursday, October 3, at 6 p.m. at the Flathead Lake Brewing Company, 116 Holt Drive, Bigfork. Frank H. Tyro, President of the Great Bear Foundation, will discuss 40 years of observations from his travels in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic. To learn more or to reserve and purchase seats, click here.
Impacts of Climate Change and Wildland Fire on Water Resources Across Montana
October 9 - 11, Whitefish

The Montana Chapter of the American Water Resources Association will hold its annual conference from October 9-11 at Grouse Mountain Lodge in Whitefish. This year's conference will focus on the impacts of climate change and wildland fires on Montana's water resources. For more information about the conference, click here.
Flathead River to Lake Initiative meeting
Wednesday, October 23, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

The Flathead R2L Initiative quarterly meeting will be on Wednesday, October 23, from 9:00 a.m. till noon at the MT Fish Wildlfe and Parks Conference room in Kalispell. For more information, contact Constanza von der Pahlen at or 406-883-1341.
Flathead River to Lake Initiative
is a collaborative effort to conserve and restore our Flathead River and Lake natural heritage - excellent water quality, outstanding scenic and recreational values, abundant fish and wildlife, and prime farm land.
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