Listen to Conservation partners preserve the Flathead River one property at a time, by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.
Over time we have seen a growing ripple effect of neighbor talking to neighbor, building interest in the River to Lake conservation vision and investing conservation and restoration resources in the places they care about. The results are not only good for conservation but also good for maintaining a sense of community and the quality of life that comes from safeguarding a special place.
These lands not only are special to the landowners, who often can claim three or four generations of stewardship, but they are also critical for clean water, fish and wildlife habitat, scenery and soil productivity.
Do you want to conserve special places on your property?
As a landowner or resident, you’re not on your own in protecting the river. Technical and financial assistance is available from a number of agencies and organizations to help you navigate your options, select appropriate programs, and, when needed, leverage multiple funding sources to maximize the benefits for landowners and conservation results.
Read more about conservation easement here or Contact a Partner land trust or government agency for information on the right option and program for you.
Listen to landowners and partners tell their stories
These conservation accomplishments have only been possible due to the commitment of landowners and the willingness of partners to work together to plan and implement projects – a complex undertaking. Like a puzzle, individual projects are now coming together to form a network of conservation that benefits people, wildlife and clean water now and for the future.
Read featured Success Stories.
Flathead River to Lake partners are working to protect our special natural heritage in the Flathead
Since 2000, landowners have partnered with the River to Lake Initiative to conserve 5,700 acres of critical lands along the Flathead River and the north shore of Flathead Lake (see Map), adding to a conservation network of over 11,000 acres of protected private and public lands.
An evaluation of all protected areas (public and private) in the River to Lake focus area showed that the following have been protected:
(Last updated in 2022)
Check our 2012 Flathead River to Lake Initiative: Analysis of Conservation Success report.